Saturday, August 6, 2011

4th Birthday Preps

Wow! It's been awhile since I last visited my own blog... and there was even a time I thought I lost this blog already as when I searched it, Google says "Blog Not Found." waaah!

I'm almost there now... on my 32weeks & 4days. Had to monitor my blood sugar on my 28th week then just this Tuesday, August 2 I had to have insulin injection (4units) every night before my bedtime snack. I cried when I found out but realized it ain't that bad. And I'm also on medication for my UTI and due for another urinalysis this coming Tuesday. Oh well!

Hubby & I decided to have my CS on Friday, September 23 (Feast of Padre Pio) - my 39th week unless Rafa has something else in mind. Besides am considered full term by Tuesday, September 6 (wow! that's a month from now...).

Going back on the topic of my post... am also preparing now for my eldest 4th Birthday. He wants Thomas as theme so I have, in fact bought Thomas Birthday banner, Thomas party hats and Thomas loot bags. I have paid the downpayment for his Thomas cake from French Kiss. We'll only have a simple merienda. So just have to buy what goes in the loot bags for the kids who will be there on his birthday, paper plates and cups and spoons & forks and order the food.

We are mostly decided to have him celebrate his birthday in school. It will only be snacks during their recess so am thinking chicken lollipops, spaghetti, cookies or cupcakes and a Goldilocks birthday cake perhaps. We need to buy re-usable containers before I give birth.

So I hope my recovery after 2 weeks goes smoothly and I'll be able to bring these stuff to his school come recess time. But the simple merienda over the weekend will have to push through.

Hope to be able to blog more often now especially when I go on my maternity leave... Ciao for now!

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