Monday, September 1, 2008

The culprit is... Roseola!

I have not been able to blog for the past days because aside from the office work that kept me from blogging, Enzo was sick. He had fever last Tuesday night (11 PM) until Friday afternoon. His pedia advised us to give Paracetamol (1ml. every four hours IF with fever). It might just be viral.

Since hubby and I can't take a leave from the office, his Lolo (my dad) agreed to look after his apo. We fondly call him now doc Lolo! Hubby & I decided that if his fever will not go down by Friday evening, we will bring him to his pedia the next day. Thank God it did that afternoon. By Saturday, I noticed the rashes on his body and advised his pedia accordingly. His pedia confirmed that it's Roseola indeed and the rashes will worsen in the next 2 days and will eventually disappear within the next 5 days without any need of medication. He also said that it's not even itchy and that we could even give him a bath. ssshh! The Lolas don't agree! Which is why I even texted n@wie Jacque late Saturday night... sorry for the bother sis. I'm just wondering, is Roseola the one we, Pinoys commonly refer to as "tigdas hangin?"

As of today, lil prince is still ALL red! I'm just thankful that it's just that - Roseola, and not what we dread the most - Dengue!

ohhh... I'm also busy with the birthday preparations. It is now in full swing since ber month has arrived with a BANG!

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