I cooked "creamy" spaghetti. It's actually my usual pinoy spaghetti with a new twist. Got this idea from my officemate. We also had an 8x12 mocha cake and a pack of big puto delivered by Goldilocks. Lola Rose and tito Sherwin brought Tom's pork barbeque, lolo Jun brought the gelatin he made the night before and ninong Mac had a box of Shakey's pizza. Our lil boy was an adorable host. He took his nap early that afternoon and woke up around 3pm even before our families arrived. He ate yogurt while we feasted on this...
Here are a few pictures of the birthday boy on his 8th month...
I wanna share with you guys this picture taken last May 24 at the Festival Mall. Ain't he cute?
Yes very very cute and adorable. Sooo flawless pa.